Some Girls Like Yaoi

By Chibi-chan




            An echidna and a fire ant looked out at the nearby village, the latter perched on the former’s shoulder.  In nature, the ant could be the echidna’s dinner.  In the sapient types, however…  While still entwined, the relationship changed to something far more mutually beneficial.  As fate had it, this ant was kind of a mentor to that echidna.


            “Archimedes…” the echidna said at last.


            The ant turned to look at him.  “Yes, Knuckles?”


            Knuckles drew a deep breath, and slowly began to speak.  “You remember when you first told me about the ‘soul-touch’?”  He saw the fire ant nod out of the corner of his eye.  “I have a few questions about it…”


            “Well, I’m no echidna, but I’ll answer to the best of my abilities,” Archimedes said.  “So, what are the questions?”


            The echidna hesitated, looked around, and asked, “Can it  Well, obviously it can happen twice; look at mom, but…  At the same time?  And, er, can you feel it for someone outside your species?”


            The fire ant was very still for a couple of seconds, then adjusted his hat.  “I’d imagine so for both.  So…” he gave the boy a meaningful look, “Who is she?”


            It was Knuckles’s turn to be very quiet for several moments.  “That…  That’s another question…”


            “Not a girl, huh?” the ant said.  The echidna nodded.  “Then who?”  The echidna mumbled something he didn’t quite catch, which was a feat, given how close he was.  “I’m sorry, what was that?”


            The echidna sighed.  “Sonic, all right?  Sonic…”  The fire ant wasn’t sure what to say, so the boy just continued.  “I don’t…  I just don’t get it.  He drives me up the frigginwall with that, that attitude and smart mouth and that annoying grin of his, but…”  He closed his eyes and tilted his head to the sky.  “He’s a brave, crazy idiot, and I can’t forget how I felt when it looked like he was dead…  Or how happy I was when he came back.”  He paused, and said in a low tone, “And I swear he’s been making passes at me since the break-up.  Hanging all over me, telling me to take things off because he ‘travels light’…”


            Archimedes stifled a laugh.  It could well be taken that way, he reckoned.  “You never know…”


            Knuckles let out a light chuckle.  “True. He’s full of surprises…”  What little merriment there was quickly faded from his face.  “But now what do I do?  Say, ‘Hey, Julie-Su.  You know I love you, right?  Well, I kinda also like Sonic; mind if I go out with him too?’”


            “Depends, do I get to watch you make out?” a voice said behind him.


Knuckles swiftly got to his feet and turned to see, nearly causing the fire ant to fall off.  “J-Julie-Su?!  When did you get here?!” he stammered, managing to turn redder than normal.


“I’ve been here long enough to get the jist of things,” Julie-Su told him.  A wicked grin spread across her face.  “Now, are you going to answer my question or not?”


The boy blinked.  “You were being serious?”


She walked up and patted his cheek.  “Some girls like yaoi, hon.  So…?”


Knuckles, still looking absolutely puzzled (and not to mention not knowing what “yaoi” meant), could only say, “Er  I guess so?”


“Then we can work something out,” the girl said.  She lightly kissed him, said, “Well then, see you when you get back,” and cheerily walked away.


The boy and the fire ant stood in silence for a while.  “That… was something,” the echidna finally said.


“That, boy,” Archimedes said, nodding sagely, “is the kind you marry, for you know things will never be boring.”


“If you say so…”  Knuckles said.






Chibi’s notes:


Well, some girls do.  Combine the recent slashiness of the Sonic comic artwork, my undying fangirling of Julie-Su, and a dirty, dirty mind, and you get this.  Also factor in an exchange in the 25 Years Later arc between Julie-Su and Lara-Su where Julie-Su accidentally(?) implies Sonic and Knuckles are in lurrrrrrrve, and we get yaoi fan!Julie-Su.  YES.


Oh, and the exchange Knuckles is describing involving Sonic hanging on him and telling him to strip did happen.  No, context does not make it any less suggestive.  I love it with all my perverted little heart.



Sonic et. al. is © Sonic Team and Sega.  Also, in this case, © Archie Comics.

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